Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ants In Our Pants-Febuary 5, 2011

Hello to our dear friends
I have created this blog so that you all can hear how much i love my life here on Roatan Island. Meredith  and i decided to dedicate the first blog to the thousands of ants that live in our apartment with us. After we voiced our concern to some others on the island we were reassured that each place comes equipt with them, without charge. It seems that its part of the Roatan experience. They are the tiny ants however, so they dont take up much room. Meredith came up with the good idea to put our underware in baggies though so we dont have ants in our pants. After alot of thought though, i have decided that better to have these ants in my pants than to have the aunts i have at home in the states here (like my crazy aunt that kept finding us in room 128).  So were listening to George Staight and making food for the superbowl party were going to tonight. Seems almost like North America, except for the hollering game of domino's going on in the apartment next door. Well thats all for loving my life here in Roatan today. Ill be sure to update you as new loves come along.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girls!!

    I wanted to post a comment as myself but I stink at technology. Its Maureen. So impressed with the blog! And have to agree if you have to have uninvited ants around for 2 months, you have the right kind at your place...
    Guess what, I was at Asha's today and she got an email with video of a brother interviewed at his special assembly day about how he was able to place a Bible Teach book with the President! I think we should be prophetesses since we predicted that would happen. Email came from Mississippi!
    Miss you girls. Loving life in wind chill of negative ten and signing out!!!
